Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Silent Tale

The old Oak which used to stand firmly
Through the howling wind breaking apart his wings
Time flew over him

The fierce Storms and burning Sun
Turning his trunk white and branches weak    Once Young and supple
His Bark is now withered with many wounds of time
Heavy upon that wrinkled skin

He has seen them all
The forgotten people
The abandoned hopes
Eras of glory and Eras of soberness or dark
He lost count of how many
May be he never cared
The Old Oak trembles now and then
As the crying grey sky
Wets the twigs which are left
Dripping through the splits of wounds
Years have wrought and overgrown
He has made every single one of them
A cleft in his bark                                                          
An Encapsulated memory
Lost now in a silent tale
Of that hazy grey eyes

Friday, March 9, 2012


Sometimes I feel

Growling like a Dinosaur 

In a wildly hoarse exhale  

Deepest bottom of the Vocal cords

Terrifyingly loud

Thundering sound 
Sometimes I give it a go

And merely sounds 

A Barely audible Human

That nobody seems to listen

Monday, March 5, 2012

Going 30

Would life ever be so simple?
Mornings were for the school
Days were for the friends
Evenings were for the fights with father
Nights were for the movies
Love was at first sight
Tears or laughter meant  
How everything was so amicable?
Sincerity ruled the moments
No lies, no plastic smiles,
Or feigned emotions
How everything was so beautiful
When you were yet
Four years to twenty
And weighed less than fifty

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Another Sunday is passing by, another day of another Week of another Month just flaws across and February is almost passing.  Yet I’m still sitting in my balcony, just the same way I did last Sunday, I did last year, always…. 

Imprisoned by the striking beauty of what Mother Nature has created with final few rays of Sun. The golden yellow portrait of paddy fields, the golden tree tops… purple sky, queer darkness under the mango trees…My eyes …trying to seize every drop of it, before everything whither itself in the blue night. 

“A love of Life” by Yaani flaws from somewhere far away….I‘d close my eyes let myself get drowned…. and wonder if I can preserve the beauty. However, I feel I do a poor job in capturing. 
So I just close my eyes and allow the feelings flow through me. Dive in a failed attempt of trying to figure out what I feel... Maybe if I could know... Just know what I feel.

Then suddenly somewhere from the sky you come and smile at me … … I want to hold on to you so much but you fade away like the Golden Sunshine did…I wonder why can’t you just stay... stay a little bit longer. I wonder... Just wonder maybe we could both sit here with hand in hand.  I want so badly to preserve the moment, yet can’t stop it from fading away... I can’t stop you from shrinking away...

I open my eyes … in to the nothing but darkness... I wonder how darkness resembles the feelings your smile has left deep inside somewhere. I wonder at how I can relate... I want to write my evenings down for you, yet when I give it a go I feel I do a poor job of capturing.  Or may be words do poor job of expressing?
So I put down my pen and lean back … I close my eyes … melodies of Yaani filling the starry night … I hope that I would never have to open my eyes again .. Then maybe you would come… just once again … your sweet eyes would dawn on me and darkness would be wiped away.